Job Description


Experience: - Years

Job Description / Responsibilities:


To manage, direct, control and supervise the administration and operation of the Examination Section, RPNGC National Centre of Excellence that will now deliver high quality training and development for the Police Force personnel in the country. The position is responsible for ensuring that the management of the Examination programs within the Bomana Centre of Excellence, the Regional and Provincial Training Centers comply with upgraded training programs according to standards of excellence as part of the reform initiatives for the Papua New Guinea Constabulary in the country and the South Pacific countries.


Financial: Nil   

Staff: Nil     

Others: Directly responsible to the position of the Manager, Examination Unit for the effective implementation of the functions of the Examination Unit activities, liaising with other Training Institutions both internal and abroad to ensure the level of validation meets required standards. Liaise with branch and Units heads to ensure performance at all levels of the organizations comply with expected standards to meet targeted objectives. Liaise with senior officers at the Royal Police Constabulary Headquarters and at the Regional and Provincial Police Stations as and when required. Liaise with International Donor Organizations for assistance if need be.


  • Responsible for the effective and efficient management of the Examination Unit.
  • Ensure proper management and control of the Examination programs at the RPNGC National Centre of Excellence ensuring all Examination programs are delivered at high levels and the performance of the organization is of an excellence level.
  • Maintain quality checks of all validation programs ensuring they meet expected criteria and quality standards.
  • Responsible for monitoring and reporting on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Constabulary Training courses through the validation process and procedures.
  • Provide regular progressive reports to update the Chief Superintendent, Director Training Development for purpose of providing annual reports to the ACP Training RPNGC National Centre of Excellence.


  • Provide leadership and guidance to ensure effective and efficient Examination programs are managed and controlled for purpose of consistency.
  • Manage, supervise and control the operational activities and oversee the process of validation, closely liaising with other branch and unit heads.
  • Conduct monitoring of examination process to ensure effective examination are conducted to trainees at the National Centre of Excellence and the Regions.
  • Conduct regular monitoring and inspections of the branch activities and recommend improvement strategies to maintain the Police Force Disciplinary culture in the Police Force.
  • Make recommendations to Manager, Examination Unit and other course managers on improvement strategies to assist with the design of the examination programs.
  • Be responsible for monitoring the performance of the examination staff, recommend training for improved performance.
  • Participate in conducting training to improve staff skills, participate in conferences and undertake development activities to improve performance.
  • Make recommendations to the Manager, Examination Branch Unit on required alternations to examination process.
  • Where necessary, represent the Manager, Exams Unit in meetings and conferences with representative from Training Institutions in the country and abroad. Provide advice and information to the Commandant through the Superintendent, Director Development Directorate.
  • Coordinate the activities of the Examination Unit staff to ensure the Unit is achieving its strategic objectives.
  • Liaise with the Chief Superintendent, Director Training and Superintendent, Manager Recruit School of the RPNGC National Centre of Excellence to ensure examination process meets students learning and standard criteria.


This position ensures effectiveness and efficiency of quality Evaluation and Examination development programs to all police personnel and administrative support staff throughout the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary Institutions in the country.


(a) Internal

  • Report directly to the Manager, Examination Branch of the RPNGC National Centre of Excellence and liaise directly with the Bomana Centre of Excellence heads of various Branch and Units. Liaise with members of the Force at the Headquarter and at Regional and Provincial Police Stations.

(b) External

  • Effectively liaise with service providers and suppliers to ensure quality Evaluation and Examination development standards are complied with. Seek support from Donor Training Agencies within the country and abroad to ensure curriculum development programs are relatively maintained.


This position requires an excellent public relation and management skills to provide curriculum development advice on Curriculum Development procedures at the professional level and to promote the image of the RPNGC National Centre of Excellence at the National, Provincial and Local-Level Governments Policing Institutions throughout the country.


This position is guided by the Governments Rules and Procedures in all its activities

6.1 Rules/procedures

  • The Police Act; the Constabulary Standing Orders; the Public Service (Management) ct; the Public Finance (Management) Act; and PNG Government General Orders (2012), Public Service Code of Conduct and Ethics. Labour and Employment Act, Royal PNG Constabulary Corporate Plan, the Provincial Government Administration Act of 1997 and Local – Level Government Act of 1997, the Training Advisory Board, the Training and the Curriculum Boards.

6.2 Decisions

  • The job holder has no authority to make decisions without consulting the Manager Exam Unit.

6.3 Recommendations

  • The job holder is to provide recommendations to the Manager Exam on Examination related Matters.


Achieving the organization stated Vision, Mission, Goal using Key Results Area Indicators, Strategies and Key Performance Indicators and set of stated Objectives to achieve the Vision “A Professional and Trusted Community Oriented Police Service driven by a Vibrant fully trained and qualified Police Force.


(a) Qualifications

  • Possess an appropriate Degree in Public Management from a recognized University or a Diploma in Public Administration from a recognized Training Institution. An additional Certificate from PNGHRI on management and human resource or relevant qualification as maybe accepted by the Commissioner, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and Secretary, Department of Personnel Management.

(b) Knowledge

  • Good level of knowledge of Training Institutions operation and management/ maintenance procedures.
  • Good and acceptable knowledge of the issues affecting the management of a high-quality Training Institution of an Excellence nature.
  • Familiar with Public Service General Orders, Public Finance Management Act and Regulations, the PNG Constitution
  • Excellent knowledge about rules and regulations in the Police Force

(c) Skills

  • Excellent skills in management and supervision to oversee a complex organization 
  • High level verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain effective relationship with internal and external clients involve in training.

(d) Work Experience

  • At least five (5) years or more work experience in Disciplinary Training Institution within the public or private sector context.
  • Must have appropriate recognized training in areas of education and training.

Educational Qualification:

Job Type:

Full Time

Working Hours:

hours weekly

Language Requirements:

