Job Description

Job Title : COOK (Code- 8133)

Experience: - Years

Job Description / Responsibilities:


To effectively carry out cooking and cleaning duties at the RPNGC National Centre of Excellence Mess and making sure meals are properly prepared and free from condemnation. 


Financial : Nil

Staff: Nil

Others: Directly responsible to the shift Supervisor Grade 6 shift A” on all matters relating to the RPNGC National Centre of Excellent Messing facilities especially the general up keeping of the kitchens and mess buildings.


  • Responsible for the effective and efficient management of the RPNGC National Centre of Excellent Mess and the performance of the staff.
  • Ensure proper maintenance of all kitchenware such as (a) Stoves, Fridges and Deep Fridges, and frozen goods (b) Crockery cutlery and kitchen utensils and (c) Kitchen and dinning room furniture.
  • Care of the Messing equipments and facilities and maintaining a hygienic and clean environment around the Mess buildings and the surroundings.
  • Liaise with Mess Supervisor Grade 6 Shift A to ensure that all necessary maintenance works are carried out.


  • Be responsible for assisting the Mess Supervisor Grade 6 Shift A for the general management of the Messing equipments and facilities, carry out regular inspections and provide reports on findings to the Mess Supervisor Grade 6 Shift A, RPNGC National Centre of Excellence.
  • In consultation with the Mess Supervisor Grade 6 Shift A, prepare catering list of food stuff orders to suppliers making sure that supplies are delivered without damage or exposed to unhealthy environment.
  • Conduct regular monitoring and inspection of messing facilities to ensure they are hygienic and free of contamination.
  • Provide regular normal rolls of members eating in the Mess to the Shift Supervisor Grade 6 Shift A to ensure that the quantity of the food is sufficient for the number of members.
  • Identify the menu, compile for approval by the Shift Supervisor and refer for inspection by the Executive Officer and the Duty Officers.
  • Ensure the preparation of meals, the serving and making sure members are properly seated for meals.
  • Attend to disciplinary issues, making sure that members of the Police Force comply with the Police Standing Orders in and around the Messing facilities.
  • In respect of the above, members must be properly dressed, proper use of eating utensils and not take food out of the mess unless otherwise authorized to do so, display table manners and serve only when authorized and leave table clean and tidy.
  • Prepare mess for official occasions such as VIPs Visits and graduation formal dinners and luncheon.


This position provides an effective and efficient catering services in support of the RPNGC National Centre of Excellence Training Institution for all police personnel and administrative support staff throughout the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary institutions in the country.


(a) Internal

Reports directly to the Shift Supervisor Grade 6 Shift A at the Bomana Centre of Excellence, liaise directly with heads of various Branches or Units. Liaise with members of the Force at the Headquarters as and when necessary.

(b) External

Effectively liaise with service providers and suppliers to ensure quality catering facilities including foodstuff meet the required standards.


This position requires excellent public relation skills to provide smart catering service in the preparation of meals for members at the Centre of Excellent Training Institute.


The position is ultimately guided by rules and regulations as follows

6.1 Rules/procedures

  • The Police Act; the Constabulary Standing Orders; the Public Service (Management) Act; the Public Finance (Management) Act; and PNG Government General Orders (2012), Public Service Code of Conduct, National Public Service Human Resource Business Process Manual 2014, GESI Policy 2013, Employment Act 1978.

6.2 Decisions

  • Authority to make decisions without reference, provided the decisions fall within the scope of the Dimensions of the role in consultation with the Mess Supervisor

6.3 Recommendations

  • To provide advice and recommendations to the Mess supervisor and make recommendations where neccesaary on the maters relating to the mess and hygiene.


  • Achieving the organization stated Vision, Mission, Goals using Key Results Area Indicators, Strategies and Key Performance Indicators and set of stated Objectives to achieve the Vision “A” Professional and Trusted Community Ordered Police Service driven by a Vibrant fully trained and qualified Police Force.


(a) Qualifications

  • Possess an appropriate Grade 12 Certificate or a Certificate in ospitality and Tourism and other educational certificate as may be acceptable to the Commissioner, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and Secretary, of Department of Personal Management.

(b) Knowledge

  • Some knowledge of Training Institutions operations.
  • Excellent knowledge about catering services and cooking and preparing food.
  • Knowledge about the Police Standing Orders

(c) Skills

  • Excellent catering skills
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to maintain effective relationship with internal and external clients

(d) Work Experience

  • At least two (2) years or more work experience in a catering Service or a Disciplinary Training Institution within the public or private sector context.

Educational Qualification:

Job Type:

Full Time

Working Hours:

hours weekly

Language Requirements:

